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Simple and effective supplements to

better your health

The Core Pillars of Health

Generations of deep scientific research has unequivocally contended that cornerstones of good health can be condensed into the following crucial pillars - Good Nutrition, Mental & Emotional Wellbeing, Sleep and Exercise. They keep our bodies functioning at optimal physical performance, and ensure peak mood and mental health.


Mental & Emotional Wellbeing


Physical Activity

Stress-Busting Adaptogens

Adaptogens are plants, herbs and roots which, as the name suggests, help the body and mind adapt to stressful situations better - by supporting its natural ability to deal with stress, “adapting” against physical, chemical or biological stressors.

Adaptogens act as biological boosters, that balance the body and mind. They work at a cellular level and exhibit neuroprotective, anti-fatigue, and central nervous system (CNS) stimulating activity.

Adaptogens do for your adrenal glands what exercise does for your muscles. These plants interact with the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis and the sympathoadrenal system, both of which are involved in the body’s response to stress.

Adaptogens have been used for thousands of years in Ayurveda based healing and ancient Chinese traditions and more recently (in the last fifty years) have been used by professional athletes due to the high potential of adaptogenic herbs to increase the body’s resilience and improve physical and mental endurance.

Adaptogens provide numerous health benefits including supporting the reduction of stress levels, stress-related anxiety, depression and the enhancement of energy, mood, focus and more.

Fun Fact

Adaptogens were used by Russian athletes to prepare for the Olympic games in the late 1970’s and early 1980’s and continue to be used by professional athletes all over the world today.

How Stress Affects Us

When you encounter a perceived threat, your hypothalamus, a tiny region at your brain's base, sets off an alarm system in your body. Through a combination of nerve and hormonal signals, this system prompts your adrenal glands, located atop your kidneys, to release a surge of hormones, including adrenaline and cortisol.

Adrenaline increases your heart rate, elevates your blood pressure and boosts energy supplies. Cortisol, the primary stress hormone, increases sugars (glucose) in the bloodstream, enhances your brain's use of glucose and increases the availability of substances that repair tissues. This alters immune system responses and suppresses the digestive system, the reproductive system and growth processes. This complex natural alarm system also communicates with the brain regions that control mood, motivation and fear.

When stressors are always present and you constantly feel under attack, a fight-or-flight reaction stays turned on. The long-term activation of the stress response system and the overexposure to cortisol and other stress hormones that follows can disrupt almost all your body's processes. This puts you at increased risk of many health problems, including anxiety, depression, digestive problems, headaches, muscle tension and pain, heart disease, heart attack, high blood pressure and stroke, sleep problems, weight gain, memory and concentration impairment, lethargy and fatigue.

That's why it's so important to have natural and healthy ways with no side effects to cope with your life stressors.

The genius of potent Adaptogens






  • Reduces cortisol (stress hormone) levels by upto 30%.
  • Helps reduce the symptoms of stress and anxiety disorders.
  • Has shown to reduce severe depression.
  • Reduction in blood sugar levels through its effects on insulin sensitivity.
  • Role in improving reproductive health by boosting the testosterone levels and sperm quality.
  • Increases the activity of natural killer cells of the immune system and improves immunity.
  • Helps reduce inflammation.
  • Boosts brain memory and improves brain function, task performance and attention.
  • Helps promote death of tumor cells and has demonstrated anticancer properties.


  • Raut AA, Rege NN, Tadvi FM, Solanki PV, Kene KR, Shirolkar SG, Pandey SN, Vaidya RA, Vaidya AB. Exploratory study to evaluate tolerability, safety, and activity of Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera) in healthy volunteers. J Ayurveda Integr Med. 2012 Jul;3(3):111-4.
  • Andallu B, Radhika B. Hypoglycemic, diuretic and hypocholesterolemic effect of winter cherry (Withania somnifera, Dunal) root. Indian J Exp Biol. 2000 Jun;38(6):607-9. PMID: 11116534.
  • Andrade C, Aswath A, Chaturvedi SK, Srinivasa M, Raguram R. A double-blind, placebo-controlled evaluation of the anxiolytic efficacy ff an ethanolic extract of withania somnifera. Indian J Psychiatry. 2000 Jul;42(3):295-301.
  • Gannon JM, Brar J, Rai A, Chengappa KNR. Effects of a standardized extract of Withania somnifera (Ashwagandha) on depression and anxiety symptoms in persons with schizophrenia participating in a randomized, placebo-controlled clinical trial. Ann Clin Psychiatry. 2019 May;31(2):123-129.
  • Lopresti AL, Smith SJ, Malvi H, Kodgule R. An investigation into the stress-relieving and pharmacological actions of an ashwagandha (Withania somnifera) extract: A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study. Medicine (Baltimore). 2019 Sep;98(37):e17186.

Holy Basil


Chlorophyll, Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Calcium, Zinc, Iron


  • Helps prevent the physiological, psychological, immunological, and metabolic stresses of modern life style.
  • Has shown antidepressant and antianxiety properties.
  • Have anti-pyretic and pain-relieving properties.
  • Helps reduce blood sugar levels and prevent diabetes.
  • Eases joint pains and reduces inflammation.
  • Stimulates and vitalizes the body by reducing toxic materials.
  • Increases activity of immune cells (T helper cells, natural killer cells) and helps in boosting immunity.
  • Provides antimicrobial (antibacterial, antiviral, antifungal) properties and helps reduce infections.
  • Helps improve various brain activities such as attention, reasoning, memory, acquiring knowledge and subsequently improves cognitive function.


  • Jamshidi N, Cohen MM. The clinical efficacy and safety of tulsi in humans: A systematic review of the literature. Evid Based Complement Alternat Med. 2017; 2017:9217567. doi:10.1155/2017/9217567
  • Vats V, Yadav SP, Grover JK. Ethanolic extract of Ocimum sanctum leaves partially attenuates streptozotocin-induced alterations in glycogen content and carbohydrate metabolism in rats. J Ethnopharmacol. 2004 Jan;90(1):155-60.
  • Amol S Deshmukh, Girishkumar B Deshmukh and Pratibha D Shirole. Ocimum sanctum: a medicinal gift from nature. 2015; Vol. 2(12): 550-559.

Ginkgo Biloba


Antioxidants, Flavonoids, Terpenoids


  • Helps reduce inflammation markers, which in turn has broad health applications for arthritis, heart disease, stroke, etc.
  • Helps treat Alzheimer’s disease and dementia associated cognitive decline.
  • Helps reduce anxiety, stress, depression and other related symptoms.
  • Helps enhance brain functions in terms of memory, attention, and focus.
  • Role in improving vision and eye health by increasing blood flow.
  • Effective in treatment of migraines and headaches.
  • Role in treatment of symptoms associated with respiratory diseases such as asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).


  • Venkata S. Kotakadi, Yu Jin, Anne B. Hofseth, Lei Ying, Xiangli Cui, Suresh Volate, Alexander Chumanevich, Patricia A. Wood, Robert L. Price, Anna McNeal, Udai P. Singh, Narendra P. Singh, Mitzi Nagarkatti, Prakash S. Nagarkatti, Lydia E. Matesic, Karine Auclair, Michael J. Wargovich, Lorne J. Hofseth. Ginkgo biloba extract EGb 761 has anti-inflammatory properties and ameliorates colitis in mice by driving effector T cell apoptosis. Carcinogenesis. 2008 Sep; 29(9): 1799–1806.
  • Chen YJ, Tsai KS, Chiu CY, Yang TH, Lin TH, Fu WM, Chen CF, Yang RS, Liu SH. EGb761 inhibits inflammatory responses in human chondrocytes and shows chondroprotection in osteoarthritic rat knee. J Orthop Res. 2013 Jul;31(7):1032-8. doi: 10.1002/jor.22339.
  • Zuo, W., Yan, F., Zhang, B., Li, J., & Mei, D. (2017). Advances in the Studies of Ginkgo Biloba Leaves Extract on Aging-Related Diseases. Aging and disease, 8(6), 812–826. Advances in the Studies of Ginkgo Biloba Leaves Extract on Aging-Related Diseases by Wei Zuo, Feng Yan, Bo Zhang, Jiantao Li, Dan Mei
  • Savaskan E, Mueller H, Hoerr R, von Gunten A, Gauthier S. Treatment effects of Ginkgo biloba extract EGb 761® on the spectrum of behavioral and psychological symptoms of dementia: meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. Int Psychogeriatr. 2018 Mar;30(3):285-293.
  • Yang G, Wang Y, Sun J, Zhang K, Liu J. Ginkgo Biloba for Mild Cognitive Impairment and Alzheimer's Disease: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials. Curr Top Med Chem. 2016;16(5):520-8.
  • Mix JA, Crews WD Jr. A double-blind, placebo-controlled, randomized trial of Ginkgo biloba extract EGb 761 in a sample of cognitively intact older adults: neuropsychological findings. Hum Psychopharmacol. 2002 Aug;17(6):267-77.
  • Cieza A, Maier P, Pöppel E. Effects of Ginkgo biloba on mental functioning in healthy volunteers. Arch Med Res. 2003 Sep-Oct;34(5):373-81.
  • Keith R. Laws Hilary Sweetnam Tejinder K. Kondel. Is Ginkgo biloba a cognitive enhancer in healthy individuals? A meta‐analysis. Human psychopharmacology: Clinical and experimental. 2012, 27, 6, 527-533.

Centella Asiatica (Gotu Kola/Brahmi)


Asiaticosides, Terpenes, Phenolic Compounds, Polyacetylenes, Alkaloids, Vitamins, Minerals, Amino Acids


  • It is considered as the ‘herb of longevity’.
  • Helps boost cognitive functions and improves learning and memory.
  • Promotes liver and kidney functions, and wound healing. Has demonstrated detoxification of liver and kidney toxicity.
  • Has shown an acute anti-anxiety effect and helps treat insomnia or sleep-deprived individuals with induced anxiety and stress.
  • Acts as an effective antidepressant and has a role in neuroprotection and neuroregeneration.
  • Has demonstrated reduction in stress, anxiety and depression in chronic depression patients.


  • Everything You Need to Know About Gotu Kola by Debra Rose Wilson, Ph.D., MSN, R.N., IBCLC, AHN-BC, CHT — By Emily Cronkleton
  • Chanana P, Kumar A. Possible Involvement of Nitric Oxide Modulatory Mechanisms in the Neuroprotective Effect of Centella asiatica Against Sleep Deprivation Induced Anxiety Like Behaviour, Oxidative Damage and Neuroinflammation. Phytother Res. 2016 Apr;30(4):671-80.
  • Sarris J, McIntyre E, Camfield DA. Plant-based medicines for anxiety disorders, part 2: a review of clinical studies with supporting preclinical evidence. CNS Drugs. 2013 Apr;27(4):301-19. doi: 10.1007/s40263-013-0059-9. Erratum in: CNS Drugs. 2013 Aug;27(8):675.
  • Lokanathan, Yogeswaran et al. “Recent Updates in Neuroprotective and Neuroregenerative Potential of Centella asiatica.” The Malaysian journal of medical sciences: MJMS vol. 23,1 (2016): 4-14.
  • Persistent Depressive Disorder (Dysthymia) by Marc S. Lener, MD — By Amber Erickson Gabbey



Antioxidants, Saponins, Racemofuran, Asparagamine A, Racemosol


  • Modulates neurotransmitters and improves brain function. Has anti-depressant abilities.
  • Helps protect the body to cope with physical and emotional stress by promoting non-specific resistance.
  • Has anti-inflammatory properties.
  • Helps maintain blood sugar levels and in turn diabetes, by stimulating insulin sensitivity.
  • Effective in treating medication-induced gastric ulcers.
  • Boosts immune system, treats diarrhea and relieves cough.


  • Gireesh K. Singh, Debapriya Garabadu, A.V. Muruganandam, Vinod K. Joshi, Sairam Krishnamurthy, Antidepressant activity of Asparagus racemosus in rodent models, Pharmacology Biochemistry and Behavior, 2009,91, 283-290.
  • J M A Hannan, Lamin Marenah, Liaquat Ali, Begum Rokeya, Peter R Flatt, and Yasser H Abdel-Wahab. Insulin secretory actions of extracts of Asparagus racemosus root in perfused pancreas, isolated islets and clonal pancreatic β-cells. Journal of Endocrinology, 2007, 192, 159–168.
  • Bhatnagar M, Sisodia SS, Bhatnagar R. Antiulcer and antioxidant activity of Asparagus racemosus Willd and Withania somnifera Dunal in rats. Ann N Y Acad Sci. 2005; 1056:261-78.

Green Tea


Polyphenols, Antioxidants, Catechins


  • Vital role in improving brain health, memory and task performance.
  • Aids in reducing inflammation and oxidative stress.
  • Decreases heavy metal ions like iron and copper and helps reduce the damage of brain cells.
  • Promotes heart health by reducing inflammation and blood pressure.
  • Helps in treatment of diseases such as Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s, and Dementia.
  • Promotes liver health and wound healing.
  • Has anti-cancer properties and reduces risk of cancer development.


  • Basu A, Betts NM, Mulugeta A, Tong C, Newman E, Lyons TJ. Green tea supplementation increases glutathione and plasma antioxidant capacity in adults with the metabolic syndrome. Nutr Res. 2013 Mar;33(3):180-7.
  • Lowe GM, Gana K, Rahman K. Dietary supplementation with green tea extract promotes enhanced human leukocyte activity. J Complement Integr Med. 2015 Dec;12(4):277-82.
  • Babu PV, Liu D. Green tea catechins and cardiovascular health: an update. Curr Med Chem. 2008;15(18):1840-50.
  • Erba D, Riso P, Bordoni A, Foti P, Biagi PL, Testolin G. Effectiveness of moderate green tea consumption on antioxidative status and plasma lipid profile in humans. J Nutr Biochem. 2005 Mar;16(3):144-9.
  • Weinreb O, Mandel S, Amit T, Youdim MB. Neurological mechanisms of green tea polyphenols in Alzheimer's and Parkinson's diseases. J Nutr Biochem. 2004 Sep;15(9):506-16.
  • Mandel SA, Amit T, Kalfon L, Reznichenko L, Youdim MB. Targeting multiple neurodegenerative diseases etiologies with multimodal-acting green tea catechins. J Nutr. 2008 Aug;138(8):1578S-1583S.
  • Matsuoka Y, Hasegawa H, Okuda S, Muraki T, Uruno T, Kubota K. Ameliorative effects of tea catechins on active oxygen-related nerve cell injuries. J Pharmacol Exp Ther. 1995 Aug;274(2):602-8.

Matcha Tea


Antioxidants, Catechins


  • Role in improving brain function (attention, memory, reaction time).
  • Promotes heart health by reducing total and bad LDL cholesterol as well as fats, and ultimately decreases the risk of heart diseases.
  • Help detoxify liver and kidney, alleviating problems associated with toxicity such as in non-alcoholic fatty liver disease and kidney stones.
  • Help reduce the oxidative stress with enhanced antioxidant activity and help prevent various chronic diseases.
  • Has anti-cancer properties towards certain cancers viz. skin, lung, liver and breast cancer.


  • Pham-Huy, L. A., He, H., & Pham-Huy, C. (2008). Free radicals, antioxidants in disease and health. International journal of biomedical science : IJBS, 4(2), 89–96.
  • Zheng XX, Xu YL, Li SH, Liu XX, Hui R, Huang XH. Green tea intake lowers fasting serum total and LDL cholesterol in adults: a meta-analysis of 14 randomized controlled trials. Am J Clin Nutr. 2011 Aug;94(2):601-10.
  • Xu P, Ying L, Hong G, Wang Y. The effects of the aqueous extract and residue of Matcha on the antioxidant status and lipid and glucose levels in mice fed a high-fat diet. Food Funct. 2016 Jan;7(1):294-300.
  • Yamabe N, Kang KS, Hur JM, Yokozawa T. Matcha, a powdered green tea, ameliorates the progression of renal and hepatic damage in type 2 diabetic OLETF rats. J Med Food. 2009 Aug;12(4):714-21.
  • Yin, X., Yang, J., Li, T., Song, L., Han, T., Yang, M., Liao, H., He, J., & Zhong, X. (2015). The effect of green tea intake on risk of liver disease: a meta-analysis. International journal of clinical and experimental medicine, 8(6), 8339–8346.

Siberian Ginseng


Antioxidants, Ginsenosides, Gintonin


  • Has anti-stress capabilities and strengthens the body’s ability to cope with stress and associated symptoms such as headache, heartburn.
  • Acts as an energy booster, and helps to fortify the bosy and to increase the endurance and mental performance in patients having fatigue and weakness.
  • Decreases inflammation in various chronic diseases and decreases oxidative stress by stimulating the activity of antioxidant enzymes.
  • Helps eliminate free radicals which are built up in the brain and lead to plaque formation, which in turn clears neural pathways and improves memory retention, delaying the development of Alzheimer’s disease.
  • Helps improve liver health by detoxifying the liver. In addition, prevents from harmful chemicals due to radiation exposure after chemotherapy treatment.
  • Helps improve heart health.
  • Boosts immune system.


  • Im DS, Nah SY. Yin and Yang of ginseng pharmacology: ginsenosides vs gintonin. Acta Pharmacol Sin. 2013 Nov;34(11):1367-73. doi: 10.1038/aps.2013.100.
  • Seo SK, Hong Y, Yun BH, Chon SJ, Jung YS, Park JH, Cho S, Choi YS, Lee BS. Antioxidative effects of Korean red ginseng in postmenopausal women: a double-blind randomized controlled trial. J Ethnopharmacol. 2014 Jul 3;154(3):753-7.
  • Jung HL, Kwak HE, Kim SS, Kim YC, Lee CD, Byurn HK, Kang HY. Effects of Panax ginseng supplementation on muscle damage and inflammation after uphill treadmill running in humans. Am J Chin Med. 2011;39(3):441-50.
  • Health benefits of Siberian Ginseng

Mucuna Pruriens


Naturally Occuring Amino Acid, Levo-dopa (L-dopa, 4-7%)


  • Known as the ‘dopamine bean’, due to natural presence of amino acid, levo-dopa (L-dopa, 4-7%) which helps in formation of a neurotransmitter called dopamine.
  • Has shown profound balancing and restorative effects on the nervous system.
  • Has stimulatory effects on brain functions such as cognition, attention, voluntary movements, sleep, mood, memory, and learning.
  • Has an anti-depressant effect as its supplementation modulates two neurotransmitters, namely norepinephrine and serotonin.
  • Role in lowering the risk of neurodegenerative disease, Parkinson’s disease (patients of which have less dopamine) and promotes neurological functions.
  • Helps improve male infertility,
  • Helps improve sleep disorders and digestive health.


  • The Magic Velvet Bean of Mucuna pruriens By Lucia Raffaella Lampariello, Alessio Cortelazzo, Roberto Guerranti, Claudia Sticozzi, Giuseppe Valacchi, in Journal of Traditional and Complementary Medicine
  • Lampariello, Lucia Raffaella et al. “The Magic Velvet Bean of Mucuna pruriens.” Journal of traditional and complementary medicine vol. 2,4 (2012): 331-9. doi:10.1016/s2225-4110(16)30119-5.
  • The Benefits of Mucuna
  • Patel, J.S., Galani, V.J. Investigation of noradrenaline and serotonin mediated antidepressant action of Mucuna pruriens (L) D.C seeds using various experimental models. Orient Pharm Exp Med 13, 143–148 (2013). Investigation of noradrenaline and serotonin mediated antidepressant action of Mucuna pruriens (L) D.C seeds using various experimental models by Jigar S. Patel & Varsha J. Galani.



Naturally Occuring Amino Acid


  • Increases the levels of neurotransmitters such as dopamine, adrenaline, and norepinephrine, which improves brain function in stressful situations.
  • Helps enhance communication between nerve cells for better response against stress, improved attention, alertness, and mood regulation.
  • Helps improve cognitive flexibility (switch between tasks or thoughts).
  • Acts as a cognitive enhancer and drastically improves working memory and concentration.
  • Helps reverse mental decline and improves cognition in short term stressful situations.
  • Provides clinical benefits in dopamine deficient depression


  • Young, Simon N. “L-tyrosine to alleviate the effects of stress?” Journal of psychiatry & neuroscience: JPN vol. 32,3 (2007): 224.
  • Tyrosine: Compound Summary By National Center for Biotechnology Information, National Library of Medicine
  • Steenbergen L, Sellaro R, Hommel B, Colzato LS. Tyrosine promotes cognitive flexibility: evidence from proactive vs. reactive control during task switching performance. Neuropsychologia. 2015; 69:50-5.



Naturally Occuring Amino Acid


  • It is necessary for the production of nitric oxide which promotes cell-cell communication inside the body for various functions.
  • Helps protect against cerebral edema after brain trauma.
  • Prominent role in neurodegenerative disorders. Affects the origin and development of Alzheimer’s disease.
  • Improves glucose metabolism and insulin sensitivity for regulation of blood sugar.
  • Reduces the systolic and diastolic blood pressure.


  • Luiking, Y. C., Engelen, M. P., & Deutz, N. E. (2010). Regulation of nitric oxide production in health and disease. Current opinion in clinical nutrition and metabolic care, 13(1), 97–104. Regulation of nitric oxide production in health and disease by Luiking, Yvette C; Engelen, Mariëlle PKJ; Deutz, Nicolaas EP
  • Kondoh, T., Kameishi, M., Mallick, H. N., Ono, T., & Torii, K. (2010). Lysine and arginine reduce the effects of cerebral ischemic insults and inhibit glutamate-induced neuronal activity in rats. Frontiers in integrative neuroscience, 4, 18. Lysine and arginine reduce the effects of cerebral ischemic insults and inhibit glutamate-induced neuronal activity in rats by Takashi Kondoh, Makiko Kameishi, Hruda Nanda Mallick, Taketoshi Ono and Kunio Torii
  • Hu S, Han M, Rezaei A, Li D, Wu G, Ma X. L-Arginine Modulates Glucose and Lipid Metabolism in Obesity and Diabetes. Curr Protein Pept Sci. 2017;18(6):599-608.

Magnesium Glycinate


Magnesium, Glycine


  • Helps increase the production of serotonin hormone and helps in mood upliftment and combating anxiety.
  • It has a calming effect on the brain. Important role in brain biochemistry.
  • Relieves anxiety and promotes better sleep,
  • Improves day-to-day mood enhancement and boosts mental performance. Has profound effect on mental health and cognitive performance as magnesium is able to cross the blood brain barrier.
  • Helps reduce chronic fatigue.
  • Important role in maintaining heart health and muscle health.
  • Helps maintain healthy bone density.
  • Helps regulate blood sugar and reduces the risk of other chronic diseases.


  • “Keto: The Complete Guide to Success on The Ketogenic Diet, including Simplified Science and No-cook Meal Plans,” January 9, 2018
  • Medical News Today, February 2, 2018
  • “The Memory of Health,” May 7, 2016

Zinc Sulphate




  • Improves mental health performance by facilitating activity of various enzymes, regulating brain biochemistry and promoting growth of brain cells by modulating neuronal metabolism.
  • Profound roles in various body functions such as growth and development, wound healing, DNA synthesis, heart health, immune functions and reducing blood sugar.
  • Helps decrease depression and anxiety symptoms.
  • Increased risk of depression and anxiety are associated with low dietary zinc intake and zinc deficiency. Therefore, zinc-based supplementation is pertinent for improving brain health.


  • Zastrow ML, Pecoraro VL. Designing hydrolytic zinc metalloenzymes. Biochemistry. 2014 Feb 18;53(6):957-78. doi: 10.1021/bi4016617.
  • Zinc for Anxiety: Could A Zinc Deficiency Be Making You Anxious?
  • Smailhodzic D, van Asten F, Blom AM, Mohlin FC, den Hollander AI, van de Ven JP, van Huet RA, Groenewoud JM, Tian Y, Berendschot TT, Lechanteur YT, Fauser S, de Bruijn C, Daha MR, van der Wilt GJ, Hoyng CB, Klevering BJ. Zinc supplementation inhibits complement activation in age-related macular degeneration. PLoS One. 2014 Nov 13;9(11):e112682.

Oranges & Yellows


Plant Phytonutrients

Alpha and Beta-Ccarotene, Crypto-Xxanthin-β and Lutein-Zzeaxanthine, Zinc, Selenium,Phosphorous.


  • Carrot, Drugs and Lactation Database (LactMed) (Internet), National Library of Medicine (US), Bethesda, MD, USA, 2006.
  • H. Chen, F. Shao, F. Zhang, and Q. Miao, “Association between dietary carrot intake and breast cancer,” Medicine, vol. 97, no. 37, p. e12164, 2018.
  • X. Xu, Y. Cheng, S. Li et al., “Dietary carrot consumption and the risk of prostate cancer,” European Journal of Nutrition, vol. 53, no. 8, pp. 1615–1623, 2014.
  • Lund, E.D. and White, J.M. (1990) Polyacetylenes in Normal and Water stressed “Orlando Gold” Carrots (Daucus carota). Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 51, 507-516.


  • Carrot, Drugs and Lactation Database (LactMed) (Internet), National Library of Medicine (US), Bethesda, MD, USA, 2006.
  • H. Chen, F. Shao, F. Zhang, and Q. Miao, “Association between dietary carrot intake and breast cancer,” Medicine, vol. 97, no. 37, p. e12164, 2018.
  • X. Xu, Y. Cheng, S. Li et al., “Dietary carrot consumption and the risk of prostate cancer,” European Journal of Nutrition, vol. 53, no. 8, pp. 1615–1623, 2014.
  • Lund, E.D. and White, J.M. (1990) Polyacetylenes in Normal and Water stressed “Orlando Gold” Carrots (Daucus carota). Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 51, 507-516.

Oranges & Yellows


Plant Phytonutrients

Alpha and Beta-Ccarotene, Crypto-Xxanthin-β and Lutein-Zzeaxanthine, Zinc, Selenium,Phosphorous.


  • Carrot, Drugs and Lactation Database (LactMed) (Internet), National Library of Medicine (US), Bethesda, MD, USA, 2006.
  • H. Chen, F. Shao, F. Zhang, and Q. Miao, “Association between dietary carrot intake and breast cancer,” Medicine, vol. 97, no. 37, p. e12164, 2018.
  • X. Xu, Y. Cheng, S. Li et al., “Dietary carrot consumption and the risk of prostate cancer,” European Journal of Nutrition, vol. 53, no. 8, pp. 1615–1623, 2014.
  • Lund, E.D. and White, J.M. (1990) Polyacetylenes in Normal and Water stressed “Orlando Gold” Carrots (Daucus carota). Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 51, 507-516.


  • Carrot, Drugs and Lactation Database (LactMed) (Internet), National Library of Medicine (US), Bethesda, MD, USA, 2006.
  • H. Chen, F. Shao, F. Zhang, and Q. Miao, “Association between dietary carrot intake and breast cancer,” Medicine, vol. 97, no. 37, p. e12164, 2018.
  • X. Xu, Y. Cheng, S. Li et al., “Dietary carrot consumption and the risk of prostate cancer,” European Journal of Nutrition, vol. 53, no. 8, pp. 1615–1623, 2014.
  • Lund, E.D. and White, J.M. (1990) Polyacetylenes in Normal and Water stressed “Orlando Gold” Carrots (Daucus carota). Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 51, 507-516.

Oranges & Yellows


Plant Phytonutrients

Alpha and Beta-Ccarotene, Crypto-Xxanthin-β and Lutein-Zzeaxanthine, Zinc, Selenium,Phosphorous.


  • Carrot, Drugs and Lactation Database (LactMed) (Internet), National Library of Medicine (US), Bethesda, MD, USA, 2006.
  • H. Chen, F. Shao, F. Zhang, and Q. Miao, “Association between dietary carrot intake and breast cancer,” Medicine, vol. 97, no. 37, p. e12164, 2018.
  • X. Xu, Y. Cheng, S. Li et al., “Dietary carrot consumption and the risk of prostate cancer,” European Journal of Nutrition, vol. 53, no. 8, pp. 1615–1623, 2014.
  • Lund, E.D. and White, J.M. (1990) Polyacetylenes in Normal and Water stressed “Orlando Gold” Carrots (Daucus carota). Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 51, 507-516.


  • Carrot, Drugs and Lactation Database (LactMed) (Internet), National Library of Medicine (US), Bethesda, MD, USA, 2006.
  • H. Chen, F. Shao, F. Zhang, and Q. Miao, “Association between dietary carrot intake and breast cancer,” Medicine, vol. 97, no. 37, p. e12164, 2018.
  • X. Xu, Y. Cheng, S. Li et al., “Dietary carrot consumption and the risk of prostate cancer,” European Journal of Nutrition, vol. 53, no. 8, pp. 1615–1623, 2014.
  • Lund, E.D. and White, J.M. (1990) Polyacetylenes in Normal and Water stressed “Orlando Gold” Carrots (Daucus carota). Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 51, 507-516.